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3m/114mm pole on thin sheet-metal roof

ID rozwiązania: SD02427

The corrugated sheet metal roof is that is only 1 mm thick and unable to support any point-loads. It is therefore sandwiched between two proprietary CueDee multi-plates with suitable spacers that transfer the loads without any risk of deformation of the thin metal surface.
The underlying tripods, that can be seamlessly adjusted to perfectly match the roof’s geometry, are placed underneath and transfer the loads to the underlying structure.

This is a customized solution that CueDee has designed and delivered to a customer. It was verified according to Euro-Code and delivered as a ready to install kit. It can easily be adapted to meet your special needs and requirements.

Dane techniczne
  • Main Pole Height

    3,6 m

  • Main Pole Height above roof surface

    3,2 m

  • Main Pole Diameter

    114 mm

  • Stay Tubes

    Ø75x3.5 mm

  • Antenna Bearing Tube Diameter

    75 mm

  • Weight of Structure

    166 kg

  • Wind Area of Antenna Payload

    1,7 m²

  • Material used in structure

    Aluminium (anodized 25um)
    Stainless Stell A4

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