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3.5m/114mm Dipod, with optional compact 2 sector frame

ID rozwiązania: SD01268

The dipod is a versatile structure for both flat and sloping roofs; this dipod solution offers a 3.5 meter main pole with a diameter of 114mm combined with two 75mm struts.

CueDee offers different attachment methods compatible with different types of roof surfaces; multiplate; metal sheet raised seam flange clamp; or, tile roof mount (as shown in this example).

The tile mounts are monted with anchor flip-bolts that can be installed from the exterior without requireing access to the interior attic or crawl space.
With the optional compact 2 sector frame included in this example, we can host 2 antenna positions.

CueDee can support you with static EURO-CODE dimensioning based on your specific payload requirements and geographic location.

Dane techniczne
  • Main Pole Height

    3,5 m

  • Main Pole Diameter

    114 mm

  • Stay Tubes

    Ø75x3.5 mm

  • Antenna Bearing Tube Diameter

    75 mm

  • Weight of Structure

    155 kg

  • Wind Area of Antenna Payload

    1,54 m²

  • Total Antenna Weight

    97 kg

  • Material used in structure

    Aluminium (anodized 25um)
    Stainless Stell A4

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