Our 2023 Christmas Donation goes to BRIS

BRIS work assumes that every child is the bearer of their own human rights.
Every child must be recognized, respected and protected as a bearer of rights.
The child's rights are unconditional. It is always adults who are responsible for ensuring that the child's rights are met.
Each child has an individual personality, needs, interests and personal integrity.
The child always has the right to have his/her opinion respected and taken into account.

November 27 2023

For the 3rd year CueDee has chosen to make our Christmas donation to BRIS, a children's rights organization standing up and protecting Childrens rights.

Based on the child's needs, BRIS is working to mobilizing society and influencing decision-makers by making children's voices heard.
BRIS vision is a society where the rights of the child are met.

Our children is our future and they all deserve the very best.
This is very important to Cue Dee as we share the same values as BRIS.

#childrensrights #ourfuture #BRIS

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