5m/120mm penetrating pole, with optional offset frame

Solution ID: 8450

Penetrating pole solution relying on a main pole with a diameter of 114, 120 or 150mm made from anodized aluminium.

The design of our penetrating poles are highly customized and the solution must be adapted to the underlying structure's loadbearing elements to ensure a solid and safe installation.

One single penetrating pole can support 1, 2 or 3 sector off-set frames.

Depending on the structural material of the roof, several options are offered for efficient water-seal of the hole on the roof.

CueDee can support you with static dimensioning based on EURO-CODE standards for your specific payload requirements and geographic location.

Technical Data
  • Main Pole Height

    5 m

  • Main Pole Diameter

    120 mm

  • Stay Tubes

    Ø75x3.5 mm

  • Weight of Structure

    107,5 kg

  • Material used in structure

    Aluminium (anodized 25um)
    Stainless Stell A4

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